We often think of demon girl names as sinister, red-skinned creatures. We imagine them with horns and pitchforks. Male demons often steal the limelight. But, female demons vary. They have a captivating presence in cultures and myths worldwide. Have you ever wondered about the names and images of these female demons? They appear throughout history.
Their stories reveal many forms. These range from scary and harmless to seductive and crafty. Their charm and wicked nature captivate the imagination. Dark demon names are both traditional and ancient. They often carry hidden meanings that symbolize old legends and myths. Explore this list of female demon names. Avoid naming your baby something too unique. Draw inspiration from the world of darkness and truth. Here is a bit of history and the stories behind these fascinating names.
Female Demon Names With Meanings
Asmodea is a demoness known for her seductive and manipulative nature. She embodies sinful temptations and acts as a seductress of souls. Sin and forbidden pleasure are tied to her name.
Abaddon is an evil female demon often referred to as the destroyer of hope and optimism. She crushes the spirit and leads her victims into despair and anxiety.
Agaliarept is a demoness known as the corruptor of purity and virtue. She tempts the innocent and leads them astray from the virtuous path into darkness.
Beliala is a charismatic demoness and a queen of temptation and chaos. She lures mortals and celestial bodies alike to abandon their moral restraints.
Belphegora is a slothful female demon known for invoking temptation and laziness. She preys on those seeking easy pleasures. She encourages them to abandon real duties for a life of permanent idleness.
Carriaxa is a female demon. She is also a sorceress. She creates an illusory reality through manipulation. It has a reputation for bending the truth. She casts a veil of deception, causing souls to question their existence.
Dantalia is a female demon and duchess skilled in mind control and mental domination. She disrupts minds. It is manipulative and controlling. She has the power to mold desires.
Gorgona is a monstrous female demon inspired by Medusa. Her terrifying beauty and mesmerizing gaze terrify those who gaze upon her. They turn into statues.
Hecate is a mysterious female demon, a mistress of magic and malevolence. She invokes witchcraft and curses, wielding powerful and dark forces.
Lilith is a demoness who lures souls into the depths of darkness with her charming beauty. She is a temptress who dwells in the shadows.
Lamia is a female demon known for her predatory and remorseless nature. She preys on the innocent. She consumes their aspirations and hopes, shattering their dreams.
Lilim is a charming and graceful demoness. She is an alluring enchantress of darkness who rules over the eternal night.
Morrigan is an enigmatic female demon associated with destruction, desire, and doom. She brings omens of chaos.
Malphasia is a female demon and mistress of illusion. She is malicious and cunning. This lets her distort reality through chaos and deception.
Maraxa is a sorcerer who wields dark secrets and forbidden knowledge. She is beautiful. It also has the wisdom to manipulate minds. She explores the mysteries of the occult.
Naamah is an alluring demoness and a siren of sin and forbidden desires. Her melodic voice whispers dark secrets, igniting the darkest and deepest desires.
Rosier is a wicked female demon and a duchess of deception. She corrupts love. She destroys affection and souls by injecting them with jealousy and betrayal. This poisons the heart.
Sallosa is a passionate female demon who strikes at souls with desire and seduction. Her magnetic charm manipulates people’s hearts, leading them into irresistible temptation.
Véparis is a demoness who haunts with the voices of sirens, luring souls into the deep with her whispers.
Zaparis is a seductive female demon, a famous seductress of souls. She allures with beauty. But, she twists hope into darkness. This causes ruinous obsession.
Female Devil Names
Abere is a female demon from Melanesian folklore. She seduces men by the lake, then drowns them and eats their bodies.
Achlys is a demon from Greek mythology. Her fog and mist blind human eyes, making her known. They symbolize sorrow.
The Aswang is a female demon from Filipino folklore. It is a shape-shifting, evil creature that blends with friendly humans by day.
The Banshee is a female demon from Irish folklore. She is famous for causing discord and chaos. She haunts battlefields with her wails.
Batibat is a female demon. She is also a spirit of sleep paralysis. People know her for suffocating them in their sleep. She gained notoriety in “Chilling Adventures of Sabrina.”
Bukavac is a female demon from water. She comes out at night and makes weird, loud noises. Then, she attacks and strangles her victims.
Chamunda is a female demon from Nepal, a fearsome entity known for causing disaster. She captures and eats children.
Chesma Iyesi
From Turkic mythology, Chesma Iyesi is a female demon. Shaped like a cat, she lurks around wells and fountains to kill unsuspecting people.
Dames Blanches
In French mythology, Dames Blanches are female demons. They attract people to narrow places. Cats and owls torment them there before they die.
A Drude is a female devil from German folklore. She is often shown as an old woman who gives people nightmares.
In Greek mythology, Empusa is a female demon. She is known for her shape-shifting ability. It often appears with a leg of brass and a beastly form. She uses these to seduce and suck the blood of men.
The Futakuchi-onna is a demon from Japanese folklore. It is known for having two faces. One of the faces feeds on less food when married to stingy men.
In Greek mythology, Gello is a female devil. She causes miscarriage, infertility, and infant death in women.
Harpies are evil creatures. They have the body of a bird and the face of a human. Their greed, vileness, and danger make them known.
In Iranian mythology, Jahi is a female demon known as a poisoner who kills with her powers.
A Jikininki is a female spirit. It feeds on the bodies of the dead and curses greedy people. It appears in Japanese folklore.
The Kulshedra is a female devil from Albanian mythology. She is part human and part snake. She is known for causing droughts and floods.
La Llorona
La Llorona is a weeping woman from Hispanic origin. She drowned her children and haunts people near water, lamenting the lack of food.
In Hindu mythology, Mahishi is a shape-shifting demoness. She is half human and half buffalo. She causes mayhem.
In Polish mythology, Nocnitsa is the queen of the underworld. She is a demoness known for tormenting children at night.
Demon Names For Girls
Agash is a female demon from Persian mythology. She is known for casting evil curses that blind people.
Alabasandria is a female demon from Coptic Egyptian legends. She is linked with the goddess Bast. She attacks women and children for their blood and flesh.
Bushyasta is a female demon from Zoroastrian lore. She causes procrastination and laziness, which reduce human productivity.
Bathintha is a demon sorceress. She is known for traveling astrally on forbidden paths. She guides mortals through ethereal planes and leaves them astray.
Durukti is a female demon. She is known as the grandmother of hell. She embodies anger, greed, torture, and impropriety.
The Kumiho is a mysterious creature from Korean mythology. It transforms into a beautiful woman to lure and eat the liver and heart of men.
La Cegua
La Cegua is a female demon. She has a half-human, half-horse face. She tricks men into helping her. Then, she reveals her true identity to scare them to death.
Mormo is a female demon. She haunts children and has a reputation for killing and eating rude children.
Nocnitsa is a female demon from the underworld, famous for tormenting children.
Putna is a female demon from Hindu mythology. She tried to kill the god Krishna by poisoning him with her breast milk.
Qin is a queen of darkness in Chinese mythology.
Rangda is a female demon. She has a terrifying appearance. She is known for leading witches and eating children.
Shirina is a demoness from Persian mythology. She is a Shaitan, known for her beauty and ferocity.
A Succubus is a demon. It seduces men in their sleep to have sex. It feeds on their semen to survive.
Tarika is a demon from ancient African mythology, a forest woman who brings disease and death.
Tsonokwa is a demoness. Her name means “ogress.” She is known for eating stolen children. She is also called Dzunukwa.
Ubume is a female demon from Japanese mythology. She cares for a baby after the mother dies during childbirth. This causes the baby to feel a heavy weight.
Xtabay is a female demon. She has gained recognition for her alluring beauty and cunning nature. She lures humans into forests to their deaths.
Yachemi is a female demon known for wandering and eating people.
Zahreil is an evil spirit of Madaic origin, mother of Ptahil, known as a genius.
Badass Female Demon Names
Aynaet | This female demon has a personification of evil stare. |
Ammit | This female demon is famous as a soul eater. |
Buduh | This demon is known as the spirit of bad love. |
Angrboda | This female demon is considered to bring sorrow. |
Draconcopede | This is the name of a Greek female demon. |
Estry | This is a female demon that has vampire spirits. |
Jilaiya | This female demon is like a bird and feeds on blood from people. |
Kino | This female demon is mentioned in Japanese mythology. |
Lamashtu | This demoness is known for haunting children and women. |
Mavka | This is also the name of a female demon. |
Morgen | This female demon is known for drowning men. |
Nang | This female demon haunts the trees. |
Nina | This female demon is known as the serpent goddess. |
Proserpine | This female demon’s name is considered the queen of the underworld. |
Rusalka | This female demon hunts men. |
Sila | She is one of the most dangerous creatures in Arabic myths. |
Werzelya | She feeds on human flesh and blood, and is common in Ethiopia. |
Yakshini | This female demoness is known in Indian mythology. |
Powerful Female Demon Names
Aosoth | This is a powerful female demon known for her dark force. |
Berneroka | This female demon is from a mythical swamp and is common in Philippines folklore. |
Blednica | This is the name of a Slavic forest demoness. |
Charmo Vetr | This is a demoness belonging to the Kam tribe who attacks travelers. |
Ciguapa | This female demon’s name is mentioned in Dominican mythology. |
Danglathas | This female demon hunts humans and feeds on them. |
Dakini | This is a sacred female demon in Hindu mythology. |
Gorgon | This female demon is the perfect example of wisdom and mystery. |
Hantu Kopek | This female demon causes nightmares. |
Hone-Onna | This female demon is of Japanese origin and means woman in bones. |
Kali | This female demon name means Goddess of hell in Hindi. |
Mikaribaba | This female demon name means an old-eyed demon woman. |
Shahmaran | This is a female demon of Persian origin, meaning leader of snakes. |
Vantoase | This female demon’s name means spirits of the wind. |
Female Satan Names
Apotamkin | Female demoness from folklore. |
Aicha Kandicha | Female demon that chases men. |
Anqa | A long-necked demon. |
Bananachs | Famous for chaos. |
Cigiapa | Dark-faced demoness. |
Cihuateteo | Divine woman. |
Dayan | An evil witch. |
Dracaena | Female demon that means dragon. |
Dearg Due | Female demon known as a red bloodsucker. |
Eisheth Zernunim | This name means woman of whoredom. |
Hulder | Female demon that means secret. |
Jengu | A water demon worshiped in Cameroon tribes. |
Jorogumo | Female spider demon. |
Kikimoro | Female demon who lives in houses. |
La Sayona | A vengeful demoness who attacks cheater men. |
Mazikeen | Harmful spirits. |
Pichal Peris | Witches who have turned feet. |
Pincoya | Female spirit of water. |
Rusalka | Female demon who hunts men. |
Soucriant | One who sucks blood. |
Pretty Female Demon Names
Anath | Goddess of love and war |
Bast | Goddess of pleasure |
Anna Maruthu | Witch and hag that causes disease and death |
Akka | She also causes disease and death |
Borda | She is a female demon queen |
Baobhan Sith | She sings and preys on men |
Charybdis | Female demon known as whirlpool |
Eileithyia | Goddess of childbirth |
Erinyes | Goddess of vengeance |
Harionago | The female demon with needles |
Hypnus | A female demon in the personification of sleep |
Ishtar | Goddess of sexual love and war |
Maleficent | The embodiment of pure evil |
Medusa | Female demon who turns humans into stones once they see her |
Okiku | A long-haired demoness who feeds on men |
Qarinah | Female demon who seduces men in sleep |
Shurpanakha | She is a vengeful demoness |
Tarika | Forest woman |
Wrapping Up
Female demon names are rich in history and myth, each with its own captivating story and dark allure. The names range from sinister and seductive to cunning and malevolent. They embody a wide range of traits. Consider a name’s hidden meanings and the symbolism it carries. These come from ancient legends and myths. Let these names inspire you and evoke the mystery and power of the demonic world.